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Showing posts from 2022

Poinsettia Plant Care

Do you need care information for your Poinsettia plant? The holiday season is when the Poinsettias show up in the stores and in holiday displays. Many people buy a Poinsettia when they see them in the stores or perhaps you have received one as a holiday gift. Poinsettia are beautiful plants to use during the holiday season. It used to be you would find red or cream colored Poinsettia plants but now you can find them in pink, marbled, and even in colors close to black. There is quite a variety to chose from. Each Christmas season, I had hundreds of these lovely "flowers" in my care.They are delicate and fragile and you must use care when handling them. Place them out of high traffic areas and away from places where they might get a cold draft. If you are moving them during cold weather be sure to enclose them in a loose fitting sleeve or plastic bag. Just be careful not to break them. When shopping for your Poinsettia, be sure the bracts are well colored up. For maximum use of...

Houseplant Care - Light

All plants require light to produce food. Outdoors that is not a problem but for houseplants light can be quite limited. I recently did a search for "houseplant care" and was surprised to see that the top, non-paid search result defined high light for an indoor plant as any light for more than six hours a day. Here is a quote from that result - "Houseplants typically require high light (six or more hours a day), medium light (four to six hours a day), or low light (less than thre e hours a day)." That is not accurate and I hope if you find that website you will go on to other results or visit my website on Houseplant Care. Dieffenbachia Houseplant Light is measured in intensity using a light meter and we use foot candles as a measure of light for interior landscaping. Low light, medium light and high light fall between 25 foot candles to 250+ foot candles. Low light is at the lower end of that measurement and high light at the upper end. The amount ...