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Indoor Foliage and Flowering Plant Photo Submissions

Orchid Flowers Oncidium

Plant And Flower Photo Submissions Wanted

A great way to add a touch of green to your home is to use elegant and beautiful indoor #foliage and #flowering #plants. Most tropical plants commonly used today are fairly tolerant of indoor environments as long as they have good lighting, watering and temperatures.
I have recently posted a pictures of Orchids and plants pictures page page to my website. I would love to have additional pictures that others have taken to add to the flowering indoor plants pictures, Orchid picture gallery or my indoor plants gallery. If any readers have some favorite Orchid pictures, houseplant pictures or tropical plant pictures that they would allow me to post to my plant pictures page, I would love to have them. If provided, I will also post pictures with a link to your own plant related website. This can be beneficial to help in building up some extra traffic to your site. A reciprocal link would be appreciated.
You can email information and upload photos by visiting my website contact page. Please note that pictures should be under 1000 x 1000 pixels in size. Information about your plant type, variety, etc. will help in adding a page and picture description. And your name, website link information if you would like that to be included. I hope to see some great Orchid and houseplant photographs...Thanks all of you Plant People!


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